The role of the therapist
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Compared with the classical psychoanalytic orientation gestalt therapy is not so focused on why someone is the way they are. Instead, gestalt therapy is concerned with how a client is experiencing life at the present point in time, and will have this as the basis for the therapeutic work.
That does not mean that your past is not important. Of course, your earlier experiences will leave their mark, but in gestalt therapy the focus is more on how this affects you today.
In gestalt therapy we believe that the client gains insight about themselves and their life in the moment - in the present situation - where client and therapist meet.
One of the most important tools in gestalt therapy is, therefore, the therapist herself. The therapist is not objective or neutral,and does not take a detached, or analytical approach, but invests herself in a relationship with the client - interacting rather as equals.
A gestalt therapist will typically have empathy and understanding and respect for the client's situation, but will also be able to challenge the client's thoughts and feelings so that the client can gain new insights to what he or she is struggling with.
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