Psychological problems
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We all have psychological health, and - just like physical health - psychological health can fail sometimes. Having psychological health problems means that you are struggling, and having difficult times, but it does not mean that you are abnormal, "crazy" or seriously ill. It's actually quite normal to have psychological problems! The numbers vary, but approximately every fourth person living in Norway today will seek help for his/her psychological problems at some time during their lives, and over 1.1 million sick leave days are related to psychological problems (source: NAV central sickness statistics). We all struggle at times. You may experience psychological problems when facing a difficult choice - e.g. the break-up of a long-term relationship, moving home, or making career choices. Other times you may experience psychological problems more as an acute crisis - e.g. during a divorce; when losing the daily contact with, or care for, your children; if you experience bullying at work or school; when dealing with the death of someone close to you; facing up to serious illness (own or others); losing your job; or being subjected to violence (physical or psychological) or other crime. The list is long.
Sometimes, psychological disorders accumulate over time. It may be that you are struggling with an eating disorder, burnout, co-dependency, depression or anxiety. Or that you've always had trouble setting limits for what you are willing to allow others to do to you or the way they treat you, or that you have low self-esteem. You may be struggling to be open about your sexuality, "always" choose the wrong partner, or have become more and more afraid to go out of the house, or have social contact with others. Other times you can experience psychological problems totally unexpectedly as with some forms of panic anxiety, or depression.
Psychological problems come in many forms and can affect anyone - also highly resourceful people! But they can also be overcome by anyone! For some, however, it is hard to admit that they need help for their psychological problems. For some, having psychological problems is still associated with shame.
Whatever your problem I intend to respect you and your life situation, and to help you discover new possibilities. I believe that Gestalt therapy can support you in finding the way forward and bringing change. If you contact me, you will not be alone in your search for a better way...
Please feel free to contact me if you have any question at,
or ring 977 25 898 for an appointment.
You are very welcome!